Rishi Valley School


Rishi Valley School strives to incorporate J. Krishnamurti’s thought-provoking educational vision in its daily learning practices.


The Rishi Valley School campus is in a sheltered valley near the Eastern Ghats in rural Andhra Pradesh.

The Rishi Valley School is nestled in a sheltered valley at the edge of the Eastern Ghats in rural Andhra Pradesh, roughly 15 kilometres north of Madanapalle and 140 kilometres north of Bangalore. The school’s location, chosen by Krishnamurti for its unique environment of peace and tranquillity, was an undulating landscape of fields, rain-fed streams, and scattered villages, surrounded by ancient granite hills with striking rock formations.

In a drought-prone area, the hill slopes are sparse in vegetation, and the valley floor is dotted with an occasional banyan or tamarind tree. Years of sustained reforestation and water conservation measures have transformed the campus into a beautiful landscape. Rishi Valley was officially designated a bird sanctuary in 1991 and cited by the International Council for Bird Preservation.


Education at Rishi Valley School focuses on peaceful coexistence with nature and its flora and fauna.

Until his passing in 1986, Krishnamurti spent practically every winter in Rishi Valley. He did not establish a ‘blue-print’ for what a school should be. His inquiry into the human condition and educational insights were passed down through multiple generations of students, teachers, and others concerned in sustainability, and continue to serve as the foundation for the institution and all of its endeavours.

Rishi Valley School, affiliated to the ICSE Board, has 350+ boarding students from various Indian states and over fifty highly competent faculty members. The school, regarded as one of the leading residential schools in India, offers a unique educational atmosphere in which young people can grow not just intellectually, but also in other dimensions of their being. The school’s instructional programme has seen significant evolution, including pioneering advances in educational techniques, infrastructure development, and a meaningful curriculum that is reviewed and revised on a regular basis.


Education at Rishi Valley School focuses on peaceful coexistence with nature and its flora and fauna.


The Rural Health Centre addresses healthcare of the population around Rishi Valley School.

The Rishi Valley School aims to cultivate self-aware, responsible, and sensitive individuals committed to lifelong learning. The school strives to awaken students’ intelligence and generosity of spirit, enabling them to confront an increasingly complex world without losing their sense of humanity.

The Rishi Valley Education Centre (RVEC) also runs rural development initiatives, such as the Rishi Valley Rural Education Centre (REC), which consists of RIVER (Rishi Valley Institute for Educational Resources), a residential middle school for students from the immediate neighbourhood, and seven ‘Satellite Primary Schools’ and two ‘Pre-Primary Schools’. The Rishi Valley Education Centre (RVEC) established the Rural Health Centre (RHC) in 1999 to serve the needs of the rural people in the areas surrounding Rishi Valley School. The centre treats 22,000 patients annually from 60 revenue villages across neighbouring districts.